Refunds is the Merchant of Record for all our orders. That means, that Paddle handles returns. All other customer support inquiries can be sent to

Can I issue refunds/are they free of charge?

You’re able to issue a full or partial refund on any order, and refunds are always free of charge.

You can find the latest version of the steps to issue a refund in the Paddle-help-section:

Usually, in order to issue a refund, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Visit the Transactions page in your Paddle dashboard.
  2. Lookup or select the order you wish to refund and open the order details page.
  3. In the top-right-hand corner of the page select the “Refund” button.
  4. A small lightbox will appear over the screen requesting whether you’d like to offer a full refund or partial refund and a field to enter the refund reason. This reason will be included in financial reports.

Card refunds typically take 3-5 working days to credit back into the customer’s account.

PayPal refunds typically re-appear in a customer’s account within 48 hours of requesting the refund. 


Some payment methods impose limits on what transactions you are able to refund. For example, card payments can only be refunded on transactions less than 90 days old, and PayPal payments if it is less than 179 days old.

If you are unable to refund a particular order or have questions about the above, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Paddle team here.